After Christmas, Madison and I flew up to Sydney for a 'Re-entry' program. That is the program for those who have returned home after living overseas (usually a developing country) for a period of time.
I confess to feeling tired and a little numb by this stage, and it all seemed like a lot of effort.
But I am so glad I went. It was a chance to reflect on the last four years - the highs, the lows, the unimportants... It was also fascinating to hear the other stories that weren't mine. Some were really positive, others were negative.
Madison was a darling and his big sister Leah was there to look after him too. We had fun with him and she was his official stylist on the 're-entry' tour.
I do confess to feeling a little more ready to start my life back in Australia and feel really positive about our time in PNG. The guys at Mission Institute did a really great job of looking after us and putting together and really relevant program.
A highlight for me was the last night as there was a re-dedication program and agape feast complete with a cross for prayer requests that we nailed to the tree. Both Leah and I were touched by the program and were in tears by the end. Leah had just lost a friend in a car crash that week and was still reeling from the shock and tragedy. It was a really special moment for me to share this with Leah and something I will remember always.
People should read this.