Thursday, November 17, 2011


It's been lovely coming home from work to these lovely energetic boys. And because we like to 'bank' memories, a new tradition has started in this home.

While I make dinner, we've been doing a little dancing...

... pulling faces...

... and taking photos ...

I love evenings like this. The kids ask me when we are going to do the "Himmy Hake" (Shimmey Shake, thanks Wiggles), because it's the highlight of their day too.

It's what memories are made of.

How do you 'bank' your memories?

a day in the life of us


  1. We've started doing this of an afternoon as well! Now that hubby is getting home at a reasonable hour, its not just me doing everything of an afternoon/evening for the kids and him swooping in just before bed time. Means we have more time to sing and dance around the house and with this warmer weather, play outside while its still sunny.

    Photos and blogging are my memory banks. Photos remind me of what the kids were like, but blogging gives me the ability to record what they said, or how I felt at that time as well. Reading back to when my youngest was born, and seeing how my writing style has changed as my PND has gotten better - all things I would have forgotten or not even realised if I hadn't blogged. :)

  2. Bootscootingly beautiful!

    Bank away Lovely these are moments to be treasured forever.


  3. We are big fans of the dinner disco too - actually the Wiggles started us off - all that hot potato jumping!

  4. I used to do that with Sapphire when I worked full time and she was in childcare. Ronan Keating's 'Life is a rollercoaster' was our fave at the time. :)

  5. oh look at you and your dancing moves!!! woot woot ....and if i didn't know better we could be seperated at birth - me and the kids often have a daggy dancing session - usually to some 80's music like bon jovi's classics - it's a hoot when i hear my son singing Bad Medicine!!!!! Keep building those memories sweet pea xx

  6. We do this often too - it's such a fun end to the day! Oh, and the Shimmy Shake? I *might* have been caught listening to it without A before. (Cringe!)

  7. Ahhh SO SO lovely... we dance too Kymmie, in the kitchen and often :o) I always think to myself that I will hold onto those memories forever. They're the best times. Love your photos, all 3 of you are so gorgeous :o) xo

  8. We used to do dance together when the kids were younger. Now that they're a little grown, they just won't do it anymore because they find it silly already. OH, kids grow up too fast. Enjoy this time of dancing and goofing off, Kymmie <3

  9. What good fun! Enjoy it 'cos at least you're a cool mum dancing with them at that age..the cool factor wears off after a while and they won't let you dance in their presence..hehe.

  10. having fun, acting silly, laughing, that is what it is all about. building memories!


Thank you for your thoughtful and positive words and taking the time to comment. Love Kymmie. xx