Monday, February 11, 2013


 Carrot sticks with hommus | Cheese & Sanitarium vegetarian deli slices bagel |
Rice snacks in Sour Cream + Chives | Sugar-free afghan biscuit | M&Ms in Crispy

  Sanitarium Up + Go in Vanilla Ice | Tuna, tomato + cheese wrap |
Blueberries + strawberries | Shapes Roadies in Tangy BBQ Ribs

 Grapes | Egg sandwich on wholemeal sourdough |
Chocolate chip hot cross bun | Bagel bites with babybel cheese

 Cut up pear | avocado + vegemite sandwich on wholemeal sourdough |
Fruit break in strawberry smoothie | Peckish thins in cheese | dried pineapple + sultanas

Second week in, and I'm already looking for lunch box inspiration. It seems my 'Year Oner' is getting fussy, and so I'm looking for new recipes, and things he'll love.

I'm already stalking the internet, hungrily absorbing ideas. My boys received Planet Boxes for Christmas, and I'm alternating them with their Tupperware lunchboxes, because, well, it adds to the variety of making their lunch box a little bit different.

I already raved about the Planet Box here. And my boys really do love them. In fact for about a week after Christmas, they were still carrying them around like back packs. I highly recommend them, and they stay super cool with an ice pack slipped inside their cover. I'll do some Plan-it Lunchboxes next week.

But here's a little inspiration to help you in the much-loved Tupperware too. Because we all need it, right?

Are you loving packing lunch boxes for school, or loathing it?


  1. oh i'm actually loving it too - I'm trying to stay away from too much packaged snacks, opting for homemade variety and mixing it up with a few natural treats - we make a big batch of cookies, freeze and then the kids can pick one for their lunchbox. It's a hit so far...lets hope it stays that way! xx

    1. Such a great idea Brenda! I have mini muffins and choc chip biscuits alternating but really need to bake some more. Here's to a couple f baking days!!!

  2. I love that you posted this! I've been wracking my brain trying to think of foods to feed my kid. Lately it seems like all he wants to eat is cookies and hot dogs !


Thank you for your thoughtful and positive words and taking the time to comment. Love Kymmie. xx