Friday, October 28, 2011


A few weeks' back, I realised that time was zooming by too quickly. Not only was I too busy to stay on top of everything, but I hadn't spent the time getting into the right head space to just enjoy my family.

So, I changed my focus, and there's been lots of playtime at our place recently. Not only have I stopped to smell the roses, I've actually picked them from the garden and put them in vases around the house. And played with the lads too.

So this week, I'm grateful for:
  1. Fresh flowers. They look amazing and the house smells so fresh and new. What's not to love about fresh flowers. Makes me want to throw my pretty-but-not-real flowers around my home in the garbage.
  2. Tickles and giggles. Does anyone tire of hearing the happiness that accompanies a child's giggles when they're bursting for breath from the endless tickling? (Me neither.)
  3. Late nights. Okay, I'm not usually grateful for late nights, but there's been a bit of restless sleeping around these parts with deadlines taking over my dreams during the night (more like nightmares). But with working some big hours this week, it seems I've finished at least one project and put two others into the almost finished marker. So, I'm back in the game and feeling less overwhelmed. Sometimes so sad, but always so very necessary.

What are you grateful for today?

Visit the divine Maxabella Loves... for more lovely gratefuls.


  1. Wise lady, I too need more tickles in my life too!! x

  2. I'm a great tickle-giver and look forward to hearing that very special sound this weekend when I spend a gloriously extended visit with my 4yo out here comes the Tickle Monster!

  3. Love your posts, they always make me smile :]

  4. honestly those boys of yours are divine.

  5. I love fresh cut flowers from the garden - our spring flowers are all gone and we await the old fashioned roses to come into bloom.
    Seriously thinking about ordering some fresh flowers with the shopping, cos it just does my soul so much good.
    I think I need to do more tickling.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Sounds like the perfect space that you're in right now, in every possible way. xx

  7. Tickles and giggles - adding these to the weekend plans immediately. Can never have enough and I think we have been missing these lately!

  8. A nice selection of life's pleasures there!
    Even the late nights - because they equate to accomplishment for me too.

  9. Fresh flowers for sure. And coffee, of course :-)

  10. Well done you for stopping and smelling the roses (and picking them too) Giving yourself time to refocus is wonderful. for me its like sloughing off dead skin, you end up feeling all shiny and new and revitilised.

    Enjoy... x

  11. Flowers and giggles, can't beat them!!
    Love that first pic x

  12. Spending time with the kids and knowing they are happy - I don't know if there is anything more rewarding! Love your photo x

  13. I need to add more tickles to my life :)

  14. There are few things as lovely to hear as children giggling! I was listening to the noises coming from the spring fair across the road this morning and it wasn't until I heard children laughing that I smiled to myself.

  15. Beautiful post as its the simple things that should make us smile and tickles and fresh flowers are two of my favourite too xx

  16. It's always the simple things that make us happy isn't it, tickles and flowers, they cost nothing, I'm big on late nights for catching up sometimes too!:)Sam

  17. Great list of things to be grateful for!

    I should take a page out of your book - I need to spend some time to smell the roses I feel so overwhelmed with everything at the moment. I want to hit the pause button and just breath xo


Thank you for your thoughtful and positive words and taking the time to comment. Love Kymmie. xx