Saturday, June 25, 2011

a day in the life of June

There's a time in one's life when it's time to spend an evening with girlfriends. And I probably don't do it often enough. It's been six weeks since my last evening outing. And there might be those who say that's plenty, but others who might think it's not nearly enough!

My outing? Food Club. If you've been here before you may have heard about it just once or twice (or more). But I love it! Eight girls set a food theme, and one of us hosts the night. We all bring a dish (pre-organised, of course), and then we eat, and eat, and eat.

It's not a hard life. It's lots of fun. And it's usually delicious! This month's theme was 70s/Fondue night. So, I raided my husband's wardrobe and found some wonderful original 70s gear, popped on my flares and platform boots. My hairdresser even put my hair in pigtails (what else did they do with short hair in the 70s?).

Hubby feeds the kids on nights such as these, and sorts them out for the evening while I prepare my food club dish. My job was to make cheese fondue with its accompaniments. (Yes, the original gruyere swiss cheese version).

What a night. As well as the cheese fondue, there was french onion soup (surprisingly good!), beef (and vegetarian) straganoff with rice, potato salad, chicken shaslicks, orange rice, buttermilk sorbet, chocolate fondue and lemon meringue pie. As you might imagine, it was a night of much scoffing.

And yes. You can have too much fondue. I found that out last night. And there's leftovers.

Do you get out without kids much? What do you do on your nights out?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Such a fabbo idea for a girls night out - love it! Oh and you look way cute with pigtails :]

  2. I went out too last night. Kinder mums, great fun.

    I do love the idea of your food club. You always seem to have loads of fun.

  3. No! I don't get our without the kids very much.

    But, I did get a fondue set as a wedding present with a lovely note in it from that guest. I kept the note in the box and love reading it on the very rare times we have used it.

  4. Loving those pigtails! You make cute look sexy! LOL! Night out without kids???? Do they exist! Mwahahahahaha! (that is my best version of a deep belly laugh, with a hint of derision attached to it!)

  5. That is one awesome shirt! I wouldn't have guessed it was from your hubby's closet!!! :)
    I need more girls nights out... we try to organise them regularly but finding a night that suits us all can be tricky. We usually go out for dinner and coffee.

  6. I love your entire June series, Kym. I adore your 70's outfit and the matching 70's at-ti-tude. We were supposed to do a 70's party also with my friends but we never got around to doing it. And cheese fondue....I must have made big gulps when I got to that part.....I went to a wine and cheese party one night and just learned recently that Australian cheese is the best in the world. I couldn't agree more. Yum!

  7. Hi Kymmie..just as well that girlie get together is only once every so often being such a food fest! Love your piggies!

  8. ooooh totally spunky darling!! whoo for you and your fondue for your 70's night! Loving the peace sign! xx

  9. Ahhh love a girl's night Kymmie... had one myself this weekend! Yours sounded AMAZING! All that food! WOW! What an incredible tradition you and your friends are following.
    LOVE your outfit, you look HOT! xo

  10. 70s and fondue? No way! My parents had an orange (or was it avocado colored?) fondue pot! What a cool idea for a ladies night out!


Thank you for your thoughtful and positive words and taking the time to comment. Love Kymmie. xx